Banerji Protocols List

Banerji Protocols List with 460+ Banerji Protocols listed by disease diagnosis that are the most often used in the USA. Online and email based consultations regarding recommended Banerji protocol based on a individual medical history are also available with skilled Homeopathic Practitioners located  in the USA with a high volume of experience with prescribing Banerji Protocols.


  1. A Banerji Protocol Email Consultation + 30 Days Follow Up
  2. Banerji Protocol For Abdominal Bloating (3 months)
  3. Banerji Protocol For Abdominal Bloating With Weight Gain (3 months)
  4. Banerji Protocol For Abdominal Pain (Acute Use)
  5. Banerji Protocol For Abscess (Acute Use)
  6. Banerji Protocol For Acid Indigestion (2 months)
  7. Banerji Protocol For Acid Reflux (3 months)
  8. Banerji Protocol For Acidity – Stomach (3 months)
  9. Banerji Protocol For Acne Rosacea (3 months)
  10. Banerji Protocol For Acne Vulgaris (3 months)
  11. Banerji Protocol For Acromegaly and Gigiantism (3 months)
  12. Banerji Protocol For Acute Appendicitis (Acute Use)
  13. Banerji Protocol For Acute Renal (Kidney) Failure (3 months)
  14. Banerji Protocol For Addiction To Alcohol (3 months)
  15. Banerji Protocol For Addiction To Food (3 months)
  16. Banerji Protocol For Addiction To Opiates #1 (3 months)
  17. Banerji Protocol For Addiction To Opiates #2 (3 months)
  18. Banerji Protocol For Addiction To Smoking (3 months)
  19. Banerji Protocol For Adenoids (3 months
  20. Banerji Protocol For Adnexal Sol – Space Occupying Lesion or Lump (3 months)
  21. Banerji Protocol For Air Travel Sickness – 1st Line (Acute Use)
  22. Banerji Protocol For Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (3 months)
  23. Banerji Protocol For Alcoholism (6 months)
  24. Banerji Protocol For ALD – Adrenoleuodystrophy (3 months)
  25. Banerji Protocol For Allergic Bronchiopulmonary Aspergillosis (3 months)
  26. Banerji Protocol For Allergic Rhinitis – Chronic Allergies with Sneezing (3 months)
  27. Banerji Protocol For Allergic Rhinitis (3 months)
  28. Banerji Protocol For Allergies – Angioedema – Swelling Due to Allergies (Acute Use)
  29. Banerji Protocol For Allergies With Other Immune System Issues (3 months)
  30. Banerji Protocol For Alopecia Partial Baldness, Hair Falling Out or Hair Loss – 2nd Line (3 months)
  31. Banerji Protocol For Alopecia Partial Baldness, Hair Falling Out or Hair Loss – 3rd Line (3 months)
  32. Banerji Protocol For Alopecia Partial Baldness, Hair Falling Out, Hair Loss – 1st Line (3 months)
  33. Banerji Protocol For ALS – Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (3 months)
  34. Banerji Protocol For Alzheimer’s Disease (3 months)
  35. Banerji Protocol For Amblyopia – Lazy Eye (3 months)
  36. Banerji Protocol For Amenorrhea (Loss of Menstrual Cycle) In Women Age 20-25 (3 months)
  37. Banerji Protocol For Amenorrhea (Loss of Menstrual Cycle) In Women Age 45 and Above (3 months)
  38. Banerji Protocol For Amenorrhea (Loss of Menstrual Cycle) In Young Girls (3 months)
  39. Banerji Protocol For Amputations and Phantom Pains (3 months)
  40. Banerji Protocol For Anal Cancer (3 months)
  41. Banerji Protocol For Anal Fissure – Anal Fistula (3 months)
  42. Banerji Protocol For Anal Fungus Infection (3 months)
  43. Banerji Protocol For Anaphylaxis – Acute Allergic Reaction (Acute Use)
  44. Banerji Protocol For Andexal Sol – Space Occupying Lesion or Lump (3 months)
  45. Banerji Protocol For Anemia (3 months)
  46. Banerji Protocol For Aneurysm (3 months)
  47. Banerji Protocol For Angina (3 months)
  48. Banerji Protocol For Animal and Human Bite Wounds (Acute Use)
  49. Banerji Protocol For Anorexia (3 months)
  50. Banerji Protocol For Anorexia in Children (3 months)
  51. Banerji Protocol For Anovulation – Luteal Phase Effect (No Ovulation) (3 months)
  52. Banerji Protocol For Antibiotic Use (2 months)
  53. Banerji Protocol For Anticipatory Anxiety (Acute Use)
  54. Banerji Protocol For Antidoting A Prescription Drug Just Taken (Acute Use)
  55. Banerji Protocol For Anxiety (3 months)
  56. Banerji Protocol For Anxiety and Brain Fog with Lack of Confidence (3 months)
  57. Banerji Protocol For Anxiety or OCD (3 months)
  58. Banerji Protocol For Appendicitis – Chronic (3 months)
  59. Banerji Protocol For Appetite Decreased (3 months)
  60. Banerji Protocol For Arthritis (3 months)
  61. Banerji Protocol For Arthrosis – 1st Line (3 months)\
  62. Banerji Protocol For Asthma – Chronic (3 months)
  63. Banerji Protocol For Asthma (3 months)
  64. Banerji Protocol For Athlete’s Foot (3 months)
  65. Banerji Protocol For Atopic Dermatitis Eczema (3 months)
  66. Banerji Protocol For Atrial Fibrillation – Tachycardia (3 months)
  67. Banerji Protocol For Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – ADHD (3 months)
  68. Banerji Protocol For Autism – 1st line (3 months)
  69. Banerji Protocol For Autism – 2nd line (3 months)
  70. Banerji Protocol For Autism – 3rd line (3 months)
  71. Banerji Protocol For Avascular Ulcers (3 months)
  72. Banerji Protocol For Bacterial Vaginosis (3 months)
  73. Banerji Protocol For Bad Stool With Rumbling (Acute Use)
  74. Banerji Protocol For Bed Sores (3 months)
  75. Banerji Protocol For Bedwetting – Enuresis – 1st line (3 months)
  76. Banerji Protocol For Bedwetting – Enuresis – 2nd line (3 months)
  77. Banerji Protocol For Bedwetting – Enuresis – 2nd line (3 months)
  78. Banerji Protocol For Bell’s Palsy (3 months)
  79. Banerji Protocol For Bipolar Disorder – 1st Line (3 months)
  80. Banerji Protocol For Biopsy (Acute Use)
  81. Banerji Protocol For Bladder Cancer (3 months)
  82. Banerji Protocol For Blood Clots – 1st Line (3 months) – recently added
  83. Banerji Protocol For Blood With Mucus (3 months)
  84. Banerji Protocol For Boils & Pustules (Acute Use)
  85. Banerji Protocol For Boils (Acute Use)
  86. Banerji Protocol For Bone Density Improvement (3 months)
  87. Banerji Protocol For Bone Spurs (3 months)
  88. Banerji Protocol For Bowel Prolapse with Pain (Acute Use)
  89. Banerji Protocol For Brain Cancer – 1st Line (3 months)
  90. Banerji Protocol For Brain Cancer – 2nd Line (3 months)
  91. Banerji Protocol For Brain Cancer – 3rd Line (3 months)
  92. Banerji Protocol For Brain Fog / Brain Fag (3 months)
  93. Banerji Protocol For Breast Abscess – Nursing Mothers (Acute Use)
  94. Banerji Protocol For Breast Cancer – 1st line (3 months)
  95. Banerji Protocol For Breast Cancer – 2nd line (3 months)
  96. Banerji Protocol For Breast Cancer – 3rd line (3 months)
  97. Banerji Protocol For Breast Lump With Burning (3 months)
  98. Banerji Protocol For Breastfeeding – Lack Of Milk (1 month)
  99. Banerji Protocol For Breastfeeding – Weakness After Breastfeeding (3 months)
  100. Banerji Protocol For Breastfeeding Mothers (6 months)
  101. Banerji Protocol For Breech Presentation In Pregnancy (1 month)
  102. Banerji Protocol For Bronchitis – 1st line (Acute Use)
  103. Banerji Protocol For Bronchitis – 2nd line (Acute Use)
  104. Banerji Protocol For Bug Bites (Acute Use)
  105. Banerji Protocol For Bulimia – 1st Line (3 months)
  106. Banerji Protocol For Burning in Chest Or Throat After Food (Acute Use)
  107. Banerji Protocol For Burning Soles (Acute Use)
  108. Banerji Protocol For Burns (Acute Use)
  109. Banerji Protocol For Calculus Chronic (3 months)
  110. Banerji Protocol For Candida – Vaginal Yeast (3 months)
  111. Banerji Protocol For Candida Glossitis – Tongue (3 months)
  112. Banerji Protocol For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – CTS (3 months)
  113. Banerji Protocol For Cataracts – 1st line (3 months)
  114. Banerji Protocol For Cataracts #2 (3 months)
  115. Banerji Protocol For Cavities Prevention or Reversal (2 months)
  116. Banerji Protocol For Cerebral Palsy (6 months)
  117. Banerji Protocol For Cerebrovascular Accidents (3 months)
  118. Banerji Protocol For Cervical Cancer (3 months)
  119. Banerji Protocol For Cervical Pain (1 month)
  120. Banerji Protocol For Cervical Polyups – 1st line (3 months)
  121. Banerji Protocol For Chest Pain From Infection (Acute Use)
  122. Banerji Protocol For Chillblains (Acute Use)
  123. Banerji Protocol For Choletithiasis (Gall Stones) – 1st Line (3 months)
  124. Banerji Protocol For Choletithiasis (Gall Stones) – 2nd line (3 months)
  125. Banerji Protocol For Choletithiasis (Gall Stones) – 3rd line (3 months)
  126. Banerji Protocol For Chronic Constipation – 2nd line (2 months)
  127. Banerji Protocol For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – CFS #3 (3 months)
  128. Banerji Protocol For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) #1 (3 months)
  129. Banerji Protocol For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) #2 (3 months)
  130. Banerji Protocol For Chronic Gout (3 months)
  131. Banerji Protocol For Chronic Loose Bowels With Acidity (Acute Use)
  132. Banerji Protocol For Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (1 month)
  133. Banerji Protocol For Cirrhosis Of The Liver (3 months)
  134. Banerji Protocol For Clearing Out A Miscarriage (1 month)
  135. Banerji Protocol For Colds and Flu (Acute Use)
  136. Banerji Protocol For Colic and Abdominal Pain (Acute Use)
  137. Banerji Protocol For Colic In Babies (Acute Use)
  138. Banerji Protocol For Colitis (3 months)
  139. Banerji Protocol For Colon Cancer – 1st line (3 months)
  140. Banerji Protocol For Colon Cancer – 2nd line (3 months)
  141. Banerji Protocol For Colon Cancer – 3rd line (3 months)
  142. Banerji Protocol For Congenital Heart Disease – 1st Line (6 months)
  143. Banerji Protocol For Conjunctivitis (Acute Use)
  144. Banerji Protocol For Constipation – 1st line (Acute Use)
  145. Banerji Protocol For Constipation – 2nd Line (Acute Use)
  146. Banerji Protocol For Constipation With Anorexia (3 months)
  147. Banerji Protocol For Constipation With Bleeding and Pain (3 months)
  148. Banerji Protocol For Constipation With Hard Stool (1 month)
  149. Banerji Protocol For Contracted Chicken Pox – Varicella (Acute Use)
  150. Banerji Protocol For Contracted Cholera (Acute Use)
  151. Banerji Protocol For Contracted Dengue Fever (Acute Use)
  152. Banerji Protocol For Contracted Diphtheria (Acute Use)
  153. Banerji Protocol For Contracted Measles or Rubella (Acute Use)
  154. Banerji Protocol For Contracted Meningitis (Acute Use)
  155. Banerji Protocol For Contracted Mumps (Acute Use)
  156. Banerji Protocol For Contracted Rabies (Acute Use)
  157. Banerji Protocol For Convulsions (3 months)
  158. Banerji Protocol For Copper Toxicity (3 months)
  159. Banerji Protocol For Coronary Artery Disease (3 months)
  160. Banerji Protocol For Cramps (3 months)
  161. Banerji Protocol For Cushings Syndrome (3 months)
  162. Banerji Protocol For Cystitis – Recurring (3 months)
  163. Banerji Protocol For Cystitis With Dysuria – Painful Urination (Acute Use)
  164. Banerji Protocol For Cystitis With Fever (Acute Care)
  165. Banerji Protocol For Cysts (3 months)
  166. Banerji Protocol For Cysts With Pus Or Ulceration (3 months)
  167. Banerji Protocol For Dacrocystitis – Blocked Tear Duct – 1st line (3 months)
  168. Banerji Protocol For Dacrocystitis – Blocked Tear Duct – 2nd line (3 months)
  169. Banerji Protocol For Dacrocystitis – Blocked Tear Duct – 3rd line (3 months)
  170. Banerji Protocol For Delayed Milestones In Children (3 months)
  171. Banerji Protocol For Delayed Physical Growth In Children (3 months)
  172. Banerji Protocol For Dementia (3 months)
  173. Banerji Protocol For Depression – 1st Line (3 months)
  174. Banerji Protocol For Depression – 1st Line (3 months)
  175. Banerji Protocol For Depression – 2nd Line (3 months)
  176. Banerji Protocol For Depression – 2nd Line (3 months)
  177. Banerji Protocol For Depression – 3rd Line (3 months)
  178. Banerji Protocol For Depression – 3rd Line (3 months)
  179. Banerji Protocol For Depression and Feeling Overwhelmed (3 months)
  180. Banerji Protocol For Dermatoporosis – Aging Fragile Skin (2 months)
  181. Banerji Protocol For Developmental Delays (3 months)
  182. Banerji Protocol For Diabetes – 1st line (3 months) NOT READY
  183. Banerji Protocol For Diabetes – 2nd line (3 months)
  184. Banerji Protocol For Diarrhea (Acute Care)
  185. Banerji Protocol For Diastasis Recti (3 months)
  186. Banerji Protocol For Diseases Of The Larnyx, Dysphonia or Hoarseness (3 months)
  187. Banerji Protocol For Disorientation (3 months)
  188. Banerji Protocol For Diverticulitis (3 months
  189. Banerji Protocol For Down’s Syndrome (3 months)
  190. Banerji Protocol For Drug Induced Dermatitis (1 month)
  191. Banerji Protocol For Dry Cracked Skin (3 months)
  192. Banerji Protocol For Dysmenorrhea – Menstrual Cramps in Girls (Acute Use)
  193. Banerji Protocol For Dysuria – Painful Urination with Fever (Acute Use)
  194. Banerji Protocol For Early Greying Hair (3 months)
  195. Banerji Protocol For Ectopic Heart Beats (3 months)
  196. Banerji Protocol For Eczema and Itchy Skin (3 months)
  197. Banerji Protocol For Eczema with Itching At Night (3 months)
  198. Banerji Protocol For Eczema With Skin Cracks – Worse in Winter (3 months)
  199. Banerji Protocol For Elevated Homocysteine FIX
  200. Banerji Protocol For Endometriosis (3 months)
  201. Banerji Protocol For Environmental Radiation – Actual Exposure (3 months)
  202. Banerji Protocol For Epilepsy (3 months)
  203. Banerji Protocol For Epstein Barr Virus – Mononucleosis (3 months)
  204. Banerji Protocol For Erectile Dysfunction in Men (3 months)
  205. Banerji Protocol For Erysipelas – Bacterial Skin Infection (3 months)
  206. Banerji Protocol For Esophageal Cancer – 1st Line (3 months)
  207. Banerji Protocol For Esophageal Motility Disorders – Achalasia (3 months)
  208. Banerji Protocol For Excessive Crying In Children (Acute Use)
  209. Banerji Protocol For Failure To Thrive In General (3 months)
  210. Banerji Protocol For Failure To Thrive Marasmus (3 months)
  211. Banerji Protocol For Fatigue And Exhaustion – Acute or Recent (1 month)
  212. Banerji Protocol For Fatty Liver (3 months)
  213. Banerji Protocol For Fatty Liver (3 months)
  214. Banerji Protocol For Fatty Liver Disease (3 months)
  215. Banerji Protocol For Fear, Fright or Shock (Acute Use)
  216. Banerji Protocol For Fibroadenoma Breast – Breast Lump 1st line (3 months)
  217. Banerji Protocol For Fibroadenoma Breast – Breast Lump 2nd line (3 months)
  218. Banerji Protocol For Fibroadenoma Breast – Breast Lump 3rd line (3 months)
  219. Banerji Protocol For Fibrocystic Breasts (3 months)
  220. Banerji Protocol For Fibromyalgia #2 (3 months)
  221. Banerji Protocol For Fibromyalgia (3 months)
  222. Banerji Protocol For Fluid Filled Pustules (Acute Use)
  223. Banerji Protocol For Fluid In The Lungs – Pleural Effusion (3 months)
  224. Banerji Protocol For Frozen Shoulder – Adhesive Capsulitis (3 months)
  225. Banerji Protocol For Fungal Patches On The Skin (3 months)
  226. Banerji Protocol For Fungus On Nails (3 months)
  227. Banerji Protocol For Gallbladder Atrophy (3 months)
  228. Banerji Protocol For Gallbladder Cancer (3 months)
  229. Banerji Protocol For Ganglion (3 months)
  230. Banerji Protocol For Ganglionic Cyst (3 months)
  231. Banerji Protocol For Gangrene (1 month)
  232. Banerji Protocol For Gastric Outlet Obstruction (3 months)
  233. Banerji Protocol For Gastroenteritis Cyst (3 months)
  234. Banerji Protocol For Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease GERD – 1st Line (3 months)
  235. Banerji Protocol For General Bursitis (3 months)
  236. Banerji Protocol For General Facial Neuralgia (3 months)
  237. Banerji Protocol For Genital Herpes (Acute Use)
  238. Banerji Protocol For Gestational Diabetes (3 months)
  239. Banerji Protocol For Giardisis – Giardia Parasite (3 months)
  240. Banerji Protocol For Glaucoma (3 months)
  241. Banerji Protocol For Gluten or Food Allergies (3 months)
  242. Banerji Protocol For Growth On Fingers (3 months)
  243. Banerji Protocol For Guillain Barre (3 months)
  244. Banerji Protocol For Gum Cancer (3 months)
  245. Banerji Protocol For Hair Falling Out With Dandruff (3 months)
  246. Banerji Protocol For Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis – 1st line (3 months)
  247. Banerji Protocol For Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis – 2nd line (3 months)
  248. Banerji Protocol For Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis – 3rd line (3 month)
  249. Banerji Protocol For Hay Fever Allergy (3 months)
  250. Banerji Protocol For Head – Burning Sensation (1 month)
  251. Banerji Protocol For Headache With Nausea (Acute Use)
  252. Banerji Protocol For Headaches All The Time (3 months)
  253. Banerji Protocol For Headaches With Facial Pain or Eye Pain (3 months)
  254. Banerji Protocol For Hearing Loss (3 months)
  255. Banerji Protocol For Heart Murmur (3 months)
  256. Banerji Protocol For Heart Palpitations (3 months)
  257. Banerji Protocol For Heartburn – 1st line (3 months)
  258. Banerji Protocol For Heartburn – 2nd line (3 months)
  259. Banerji Protocol For Heartburn – 3rd line (3 months)
  260. Banerji Protocol For Heat Rash With Burning & Restlessness (Acute Use)
  261. Banerji Protocol For Heat Rash With Hot, Raised, Shiny Eruptions (Acute Use)
  262. Banerji Protocol For Heavy Menstrual Periods (3 months)
  263. Banerji Protocol For Hemorrhoids (1 month)
  264. Banerji Protocol For Hernia (3 months)
  265. Banerji Protocol For Herniated or Slipped Disc (3 months)
  266. Banerji Protocol For Herpes Simplex and Herpes Zoster – 1st Line (Acute Use )
  267. Banerji Protocol For High Blood Cholesterol (3 months)
  268. Banerji Protocol For High Blood Pressure (3 months)
  269. Banerji Protocol For High Triglycerides (3 months)
  270. Banerji Protocol For Hip Bursitis (3 months)
  271. Banerji Protocol For HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus (3 months)
  272. Banerji Protocol For Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (3 months)
  273. Banerji Protocol For Hot Flashes (3 months)
  274. Banerji Protocol For Human Papilloma Virus – HPV (3 months)
  275. Banerji Protocol For Huntington’s Disease (3 months)
  276. Banerji Protocol For Hyperthyroidism – 1st line (3 months)
  277. Banerji Protocol For Hyperthyroidism – 2nd line (3 months)
  278. Banerji Protocol For Hypothyroid – Hypothyroidism – 1st line (3 months)
  279. Banerji Protocol For Hypothyroid – Hypothyroidism – 2nd line (3 months)
  280. Banerji Protocol For Hypothyroid – Hypothyroidism – 3rd line (3 months)
  281. Banerji Protocol For Impetigo – 1st Line (Acute Use)
  282. Banerji Protocol For Improving Vitality & Nutrient Absorption In the Elderly (3 months)
    Banerji Protocol For Increasing Blood – Thalassemia or Other Conditions (3 months)
    Banerji Protocol For Increasing General Immunity (3 months)
  283. Banerji Protocol For Increasing General Immunity US Only (3 months)
  284. Banerji Protocol For Indigestion After Fast Food (Acute Use)
  285. Banerji Protocol For Indigestion After High Fat Food (Acute Use)
  286. Banerji Protocol For Infant Colic (Acute Use)
  287. Banerji Protocol For Infertility in Women – 1st line (3 months)
  288. Banerji Protocol For Infertility in Women – 2nd line (3 months)
  289. Banerji Protocol For Infertility in Women – 3rd line (3 months)
  290. Banerji Protocol For Ingrown Toenails (Acute Use)
  291. Banerji Protocol For Insomnia – Chronic (3 months)
  292. Banerji Protocol For Insomnia (Acute Use)
  293. Banerji Protocol For Interstitial Cystitis (3 months)
  294. Banerji Protocol For Interstitial Cystitis, UTI’s and Reproductive Ailments (3 months)
  295. Banerji Protocol For Irregular Menses (3 months)
  296. Banerji Protocol For Irritable Bowel Syndrome – IBS (3 months)
  297. Banerji Protocol For Joint Pain (3 months)
  298. Banerji Protocol For Kidney Diseases (3 months)
  299. Banerji Protocol For Kidney Stones (1 month)
  300. Banerji Protocol For Knee Bursitis (3 months)
  301. Banerji Protocol For Laryngeal Cancer (3 months)
  302. Banerji Protocol For Leg Cramps (3 months)
  303. Banerji Protocol For LEFT Frozen Shoulder Adhesive Capsulitis (3 months)
  304. Banerji Protocol For Leg Ulcer Secondary to Venous Insufficiency and Buerger’s Disease (3 months)
  305. Banerji Protocol For Leucorrhea (3 months)
  306. Banerji Protocol For Leucorrhea With Weakness After (3 months)
  307. Banerji Protocol For Leucorrhea With White Discharge (3 months)
  308. Banerji Protocol For Lipomas (3 months)
  309. Banerji Protocol For Liver Cancer – 1st Line (3 months) – recently added
  310. Banerji Protocol For Loose Stool, Gas & Acidity (Acute Use)
  311. Banerji Protocol For Low Blood Pressure (3 months)
  312. Banerji Protocol For Low Level Radiation Exposure (3 months)
  313. Banerji Protocol For Low Libido or Infertility In Men (3 months)
  314. Banerji Protocol For Lung Cancer – 1st Line (3 months)
  315. Banerji Protocol For Lung Inflammation (1 month)
  316. Banerji Protocol For Lupus (3 months)
  317. Banerji Protocol For Lyme Disease (3 months)
  318. Banerji Protocol For Macular Degeneration (3 months)
  319. Banerji Protocol For Male Urinary Tract Infections (Acute Use)
  320. Banerji Protocol For Manic Depression Syndrome / Biopolar Disorder (3 months)
  321. Banerji Protocol For Mastitis – Breast Infections (Acute Use)
  322. Banerji Protocol For Melanoderma (6 months)
  323. Banerji Protocol For Melanoma – Skin Cancer (3 months)
  324. Banerji Protocol For Menopause (3 months)
  325. Banerji Protocol For Migraines and Headaches (3 months)
  326. Banerji Protocol For Mild COVID Symptoms (Acute Use)
  327. Banerji Protocol For Miscarriage Clearing (Acute Use)
  328. Banerji Protocol For Miscarriage Prevention (9 months)
  329. Banerji Protocol For Mold Exposure (3 months)
  330. Banerji Protocol For Molluscum Contagiosum (Acute Use)
  331. Banerji Protocol For Morning Sickness (Acute Use)
  332. Banerji Protocol For Motion Sickness – 1st Line (Acute Use)
  333. Banerji Protocol For Motion Sickness – 2nd Line (Acute Use)
  334. Banerji Protocol For Motion Sickness – 3rd Line (Acute Use)
  335. Banerji Protocol For MRSA (1 month)
  336. Banerji Protocol For Multiple Myeloma – Plasma Cell Cancer (6 months)
  337. Banerji Protocol For Multiple Sclerosis (3 months)
  338. Banerji Protocol For Musculoskeletal Disorders (3 months)
  339. Banerji Protocol For Nasal Polyps (3 months)
  340. Banerji Protocol For Nausea (Acute Use)
  341. Banerji Protocol For Nausea, Vomiting and/or Gagging (Acute Use)
  342. Banerji Protocol For Nerve Compression (3 months)
  343. Banerji Protocol For Neuropathy (3 months)
  344. Banerji Protocol For Obesity (3 months)
  345. Banerji Protocol For Oral Cancer (3 months)
  346. Banerji Protocol For Ossification Of Posterior Ligaments OPLL (3 months)
  347. Banerji Protocol For Osteoporosis – 1st line (3 months)
  348. Banerji Protocol For Osteoporosis 2nd Line (3 months)
  349. Banerji Protocol For Osteosarcoma – Bone Cancer – 1st line (3 months)
  350. Banerji Protocol For Ovarian and Uterine Cancer (3 months)
  351. Banerji Protocol For Ovulation Pain – Mittleschmez (Acute Use)
  352. Banerji Protocol For Pancreas Cancer – 1st line (3 months)
  353. Banerji Protocol For PANDAS – Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders (3 months)
  354. Banerji Protocol For Parasites (3 months)
  355. Banerji Protocol For Parkinson’s Disease (3 months)
  356. Banerji Protocol For Parotid Gland Inflammation (Acute Use)
  357. Banerji Protocol For Parotid Tumor (3 months)
  358. Banerji Protocol For PCOS – Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (3 months)
  359. Banerji Protocol For Pelvic Inflammatory Disease – PID (3 months)
  360. Banerji Protocol For Pelvic Organ Prolapse (3 months)
  361. Banerji Protocol For Peptic Ulcers (3 months)
  362. Banerji Protocol For Pharyngitis – Sore Throat (Acute Use)
  363. Banerji Protocol For Placenta Previa (3 months)
  364. Banerji Protocol For Plantars Fasciatis (3 months)
  365. Banerji Protocol For Pleural Effusion  – Fluid In The Lungs (1 month)
  366. Banerji Protocol For Pleurisy (Acute use)
  367. Banerji Protocol For Polyps of the Colon Or Small Intestine (3 months)
  368. Banerji Protocol For Post-Herpetic Neuralgia – 1st line (3 months)
  369. Banerji Protocol For Post-Herpetic Neuralgia – 2nd line (3 months)
  370. Banerji Protocol For Post-Herpetic Neuralgia – 3rd line (3 months)
  371. Banerji Protocol For Post-Herpetic Neuralgia #2 (3 months)
  372. Banerji Protocol For Post-Stroke Palpitations and Breathlessness (3 months)
  373. Banerji Protocol For POTS – Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (3 months)
  374. Banerji Protocol For Pregnancy Support (9 months)
  375. Banerji Protocol For Pre-Eclampsia (3 months) – recently added
  376. Banerji Protocol For Premenstrual Tension Syndrome – PMS (3 months)
  377. Banerji Protocol For Prostate Cancer 1st line (3 months)
  378. Banerji Protocol For Prostatitis – Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (3 months)
  379. Banerji Protocol For Psoriasis (3 months)
  380. Banerji Protocol For Pulmonary Fibrosis
  381. Banerji Protocol For Radiation Exposures (Acute Use)
  382. Banerji Protocol For Rectal Cancer – 1st Line (3 months)
  383. Banerji Protocol For Rectal Cancer – 2nd Line (3 months)
  384. Banerji Protocol For Rectal Cancer – 3rd Line (3 months)
  385. Banerji Protocol For Reduced Female Libido (3 months)
  386. Banerji Protocol For Reflux (Acute Use)
  387. Banerji Protocol For Regurgitation Of Food (Acute Use)
  388. Banerji Protocol For Renal (Kidney) Cancer (3 months)
  389. Banerji Protocol For Renal (Kidney) Cysts (3 months)
  390. Banerji Protocol For Renal (Kidney) Tumor (3 months)
  391. Banerji Protocol For Respiratory Syncytial Virus – RSV (Acute Use)
  392. Banerji Protocol For Restless Legs (3 months)
  393. Banerji Protocol For Retinitis Pigmentosa – Vision Loss 1st Line (3 months)
  394. Banerji Protocol For Rheumatoid Arthritis (3 months)
  395. Banerji Protocol For Rheumatoid Arthritis- 1st line (3 months)
  396. Banerji Protocol For RIGHT Frozen Shoulder (3 months)
  397. Banerji Protocol For Ringworm (3 months)
  398. Banerji Protocol For Ringworm Parasites (3 months)
  399. Banerji Protocol For Rotator Cuff & Shoulder Pain (3 months)
  400. Banerji Protocol For Scabies (3 months)
  401. Banerji Protocol For Scaly Eruptions (3 months)
  402. Banerji Protocol For Scar Tissue (3 months)
  403. Banerji Protocol For Sciatica – 1st Line (3 months)
  404. Banerji Protocol For Sciatica – Right Side (3 months)
  405. Banerji Protocol For Seborrheic Dermatitis with Dandruff (3 months)
  406. Banerji Protocol For Sensory Hearing Loss (3 months)
  407. Banerji Protocol For Shin Splints (Acute Use)
  408. Banerji Protocol For Shingles (2 months)
  409. Banerji Protocol For Shoulder Bursitis (3 months)
  410. Banerji Protocol For Sinus Headaches (Acute Use)
  411. Banerji Protocol For Sinus Infection (Acute Use)
  412. Banerji Protocol For Skin Cancer (3 months)
  413. Banerji Protocol For Skin Rash With Sudden Intense Itching (Acute Use)
  414. Banerji Protocol For Sleep Apnea (3 months)
  415. Banerji Protocol For Sleep Apnea (3 months)
  416. Banerji Protocol For Sleeplessness Without Any Cause (Acute Use)
  417. Banerji Protocol For Small Airway Disease (3 months)
  418. Banerji Protocol For Smoke Inhalation (Acute Use)
  419. Banerji Protocol For Snoring (3 months)
  420. Banerji Protocol For Stomach Cancer – 1st line (3 months)
  421. Banerji Protocol For Stomach Pain (Acute Use)
  422. Banerji Protocol For Stuttering (3 months)
  423. Banerji Protocol For Submucous Fibroids or Myomas (3 months)
  424. Banerji Protocol For Sugar Cravings (3 months)
  425. Banerji Protocol For Sundowner Syndrome (3 months) 
  426. Banerji Protocol For Surgery (Acute Use)
  427. Banerji Protocol For Teenage Acne (3 months)
  428. Banerji Protocol For Teeth and Gum Disease (3 months)
  429. Banerji Protocol For Teeth Pain (Acute Use)
  430. Banerji Protocol For Tendonitis (3 months)
  431. Banerji Protocol For Tennis Elbow (3 months)
  432. Banerji Protocol For Throat Cancer – 1st Line (3 months)
  433. Banerji Protocol For Throat Cancer – 2nd line (3 months)
  434. Banerji Protocol For Throat Cancer – 3rd line (3 months)
  435. Banerji Protocol For Thyroid Cancer (3 months)
  436. Banerji Protocol For Thyroid Nodules (3 months)
  437. Banerji Protocol For Tinea Versicolor (3 months)
  438. Banerji Protocol For Tinnitus (3 months)
  439. Banerji Protocol For Tongue and Cheek Cancer – 1st line (3 months)
  440. Banerji Protocol For Tongue Ulcers (Acute Use)
  441. Banerji Protocol For Tonsil Cancer (3 months)
  442. Banerji Protocol For Tooth Extractions (Acute Use)
  443. Banerji Protocol For Torticollis (3 months)
  444. Banerji Protocol For Tourette’s Syndrome (3 months)
  445. Banerji Protocol For Toxic Shock Syndrome – From Tampons (Acute Use)
  446. Banerji Protocol For Travel Sickness – 2nd Line (Acute Use)
  447. Banerji Protocol For Trigeminal Neuralgia – 3rd line (3 months)
  448. Banerji Protocol For Trigger Finger (3 months)
  449. Banerji Protocol For Tumor Of the Larynx (3 months)
  450. Banerji Protocol For Ulcerative Colitis (3 months)
  451. Banerji Protocol For Urticaria – Nettle Rash (Acute Use)
  452. Banerji Protocol For Uterine Fibroids (3 months)
  453. Banerji Protocol For Vaginal Cancer (3 months)
  454. Banerji Protocol For Vaginal Dryness (3 months)
  455. Banerji Protocol For Vaginal Irritation (3 months)
  456. Banerji Protocol For Vaginal Yeast (1 month)
  457. Banerji Protocol For Vaginitis (Cervictitis) – 1st Line (3 months)
  458. Banerji Protocol For Vaginitis (Cervictitis) – 2nd Line (3 months)
  459. Banerji Protocol For Vaginitis (Cervictitis) – 3rd Line (3 months)
  460. Banerji Protocol For Vertigo (3 months)
  461. Banerji Protocol For Vitiligo – 1st Line (3 months)
  462. Banerji Protocol For Vocal Chord Cancer (3 months)
  463. Banerji Protocol For Vocal Chord Cysts (3 months)
  464. Banerji Protocol For Vocal Chord Paralysis (3 months)
  465. Banerji Protocol For Warts – 1st line (3 months)
  466. Banerji Protocol For Water Retention (Acute Use)
  467. Banerji Protocol For Worms (3 months)
  468. Banerji Protocol For Wound Healing – Acute Use




Banerji Protocols

Banerji Protocols

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