Banerji Protocols

About The Banerji Protocols

The Banerji Protocols are a newer approach to homeopathic prescribing that is based on the use of a pre-defined protocol for each diagnosed disease.  The protocols are an alternative method in homeopathic prescribing that is gaining great popularity in the United States!  The Doctors Banerji developed their method of homeopathic care in which specific homeopathic medicines are prescribed based on the clinical diagnosis of specific diseases.   The Protocols are successfully used and are based on over 100 years of clinical research done in India, over four generations by the Banerji family of practicing homeopaths. All cases are now diagnosed through the use of modern tools and methods and the diagnosis is the basis for using any given Protocol.


How Do These Protocols Differ From Classical Homeopathy?
This type of homeopathic prescribing is departure from classical homeopathic prescribing methods. It differs from the traditional classical approach used in homeopathy for the past 200+ years, where a the individual with the disease is treated, but not the disease by the name itself. 

The Classical approach to homeopathy uses the mental and emotional state as well as the visible signs and symptoms to select a remedy, using repertorization and Materia Medica study to prescribe. The provings done historically of various remedies  have resulted in vast volumes of  Materia Medica information that require that a homeopath spend a great deal of time to careful and diligently translate the person’s symptoms. The homeopath must then match each key symptom of the person to all possible remedies that match those symptoms – and finally select the most appropriate one remedy for that person.

On the contrary,  the Banerji Protocols use a clinical evaluation approach with modern medical assessments. This includes using  tissue biopsies, blood or urine labs, CT scans, MRI’s, x-rays and other diagnostic tools – and treat the disease itself. In the Banerji Protocols, mixtures of homeopathic remedies or frequent repetitions of the remedies are used when required. Homeopathic remedies prescribed on constitutional grounds also play a useful role in supportive and palliative for patients with a malignant disease.

The Banerji Protocols that are used  are based on the 100+ years of clinical research done in India, over four generations by the Banerji family of practicing homeopaths. In 1993 The Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation (PBHRF) was formed to promote this method and the use of homeopathy globally as a truly scientific and effective mode of alternative medicine. From their large collection of data, they found that certain Protocols are successful for 80% of the population. They then also have developed secondary and third level protocols to cover the additional 20%.

The Doctors Banerji, India – Dr. Prasanta Banerji and Dr. Pratip Banerji

What Diseases Are Treated?
The Banerji Protocols were derived at from the collection of data recording of the recovery of thousands cases of various types of life threatening diseases, including ADHD, asthma, autism, autoimmune diseases, cancer, Crohn’s disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, infertility, multiple sclerosis, kidney diseases, Lyme disease, PANDAS, skin diseases, ulcerative colitis, etc.  There are also Protocols for all types of acute conditions and infectious diseases. All cases were treated using Protocols that were designed by the Dr’s Banerji and homeopathic medicines alone.

Currently the database of the Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation (PBHRF) has more than 20,000+ cases with over a half a million recorded cases. The Foundation has also been doing ongoing research in cancer and is partnering with the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in the United States.

While there are differences of opinion among classically trained homeopaths about the use Banerji Protocols and the disease based approach, the fact remains that this newer method has documented a large volume of clinical results that are very impressive!  These Protocols have a high level of success in cancer and all types of complex pathologies as well.

There are many roads to recovery using homeopathy as a natural medicine that works with the body’s design.  Regardless of the approach or method used, the effective use homeopathic medicines is the key to recovery, and the ultimate goal of relieving the suffering of patients and improving their health and vitality!


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Banerji Protocols
