About Homeopathy


About Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a 200+ year old medical system that has been used by millions of people worldwide. All of the homeopathic remedies and products are made at licensed homeopathic labs.  In the USA,  all homeopathic remedies must comply with FDA labeling requirements and be manufactured under strict Homeopathic Pharmacopeia guidelines.


Glossary of Basic Terms Related to Homeopathy

  • Antidote: to cancel or counter the action of a homeopathic remedy.
  • Cell Salts – used for general health maintenance or for specific health problems. Often used in conjunction with a single remedy or to provide basic nutritional support to the cells.
  • Dry Dosing: to administer homeopathic remedies in their dry form, by dissolving them in the mouth.
  • Law of Similars: a natural law based on the scientific law that “like cures like”.
  • Liquid Remedies: liquid remedies are homeopathic remedies that are put into a liquid form instead of a pills form.
  • Mother Tincture: the original standardized preparation of a substance from which homeopathic potencies are made.
  • Potency: the strength of a homeopathic remedy. Potency is shown after the remedy name. Decimal designation is X. Centesimal is C. Millesimal is M. Commonly in home kits and used for children, in treating sudden illness and for first aid treatment. Medium potencies C are used for first aid, seasonal ailments and chronic health concerns. 30C is a very common potency found in health food stores and or online. M potencies are a high potency and are normally prescribed by homeopaths.
  • Remedy: the homeopathic substance made from a substance occurring in nature (plant, mineral, animal by product, etc.) that is produced in a homeopathic laboratory under pharmacopeia guidelines.
  • Sarcode: sarcodes are homeopathic remedies made from healthy animal or human tissue or secretions.  They are obtained from healthy endocrine or ductless glands or normal secretions of living human organs and animals. In Greek the term ‘Sarcode’ means fleshy. Sarcodes can be used in a similar manner to homeopathic remedies.  In potency they are referred to as “organ therapy” remedies.
  • Simillimum: the remedy that most closely matches to a person’s set of unique symptoms.
  • Succussion: vigorous shaking to a homeopathic substance in water which enhances the energetic properties of that substance.
  • Vital Force: the energy or spirit that animates living creatures; the soul.
  • Water Dosing: to administer homeopathic remedies that are dissolved in water by mouth, using various dosing methods including LM potencies.
Banerji Protocols

Banerji Protocols

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